Chemaxon blog

Cheminfo Stories 2021 Virtual UGM | JChem in online documents | ChemAxon

Written by Anna Forró | 12 11 2021

It has been 13 years since the first customer started to use JChem for Office as an offline, desktop tool. Since that time it has been widely used in areas of different industries, related to various workflows. Nowadays we experience a growing interest in extending ChemAxon’s chemistry in online documents: not only in Microsoft Office Online, but also in Google Docs or other online document handling applications (eg. LibreOffice). Supporting chemistry in Microsoft Office Online has been on our roadmap for a long time - we even created a prototype for Office Online 3 years ago -, but there was no explicit interest for it until now. We still believe that using documents online is the future in the chemistry related industries as well, but the question is what and when should be supported. In this presentation we would like to show our plans related to chemistry in online documents and would like to collect feedback from our customers about the most delighted features.