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Overcome challenges in collaborating with CROs - Communication

Written by Chemaxon | 21 06 2023

Overcome challenges in collaborating with CROs

Working with CROs in the biotech or pharma industry has its unique challenges, many of which fall under different aspects of the human and technical elements. The human element, people working together, includes activities like communication, aspects of collaboration, and documentation of the process. The technical element is the infrastructure supporting the project members, and includes making sure that the system is secure, robust, and efficient.


In terms of communication, one major goal for the chemistry project leader is to decrease the time it takes to receive updates - by this, accelerating the time to compound synthesis. Scheduled, regular meetings are often far apart, leading to delays. Ensuring that the project pace is as fast as possible requires an immediate visibility of progress, and a platform for a real-time exchange of ideas and information. Importing and exporting files while exchanging emails (or uploading them into independent file sharing systems) can result in data loss, impacting the efficiency and accuracy down the line.

Chemaxon's Design Hub effectively addresses the communication challenges when working with CROs, providing efficient solutions for seamless collaboration and accelerated compound synthesis. By offering a shared collaboration space, the platform reduces the time it takes to receive updates, enabling real-time communication and immediate visibility of project progress. Project leaders and collaborators can exchange ideas and information in the system instantly, ensuring timely decision-making and efficient project execution.

The platform also provides split level access, allowing precise access and view allocation to external collaborators. Controlled permissions ensures that CROs have the necessary information for compound synthesis while maintaining data confidentiality.

Design Hub streamlines file management and ensures data integrity by centralizing project-related data within. Project members can access the necessary files and documents in real-time, minimizing delays and enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of the collaboration process.