Chemaxon newsroom

New Support Engine | ChemAxon

Written by Chemaxon | 02 09 2019

Our ticketing system was changed to provide a better user experience from the 5th of February, 2019. The support email addresses that you have used so far will not change.

So, how does this affect you?

  • You can directly open new tickets on the support portal, or check their status. Only you have access to your tickets after logging in with your ChemAxon Pass.
  • We are building an extensive knowledge base section, where you can find the answers quickly to Frequently Asked Questions. This feature will auto-suggest relevant, brief articles while you type your question. Keep in mind that this Knowledge Base differs from the detailed technical and scientific documentation.
  • The support email addresses that you have used so far, won't change! Emails will be automatically converted to tickets as well, and you will be able to track them here.
  • Your pending tickets, that were opened in our previous system, will be available there. You will still be able to comment and read resolved tickets there.