New Support Engine

Posted by
on 2019-09-03

New Support Engine

Our ticketing system was changed to provide a better user experience from the 5th of February, 2019. The support email addresses that you have used so far will not change.

So, how does this affect you?

  • You can directly open new tickets on the support portal, or check their status. Only you have access to your tickets after logging in with your ChemAxon Pass.
  • We are building an extensive knowledge base section, where you can find the answers quickly to Frequently Asked Questions. This feature will auto-suggest relevant, brief articles while you type your question. Keep in mind that this Knowledge Base differs from the detailed technical and scientific documentation.
  • The support email addresses that you have used so far, won't change! Emails will be automatically converted to tickets as well, and you will be able to track them here.
  • Your pending tickets, that were opened in our previous system, will be available there. You will still be able to comment and read resolved tickets there.

Infographic with illustration and text describing changes in support


Our ticketing system was changed to provide a better user experience from the 5th of February, 2019. The support email addresses that you have used so far will not change.

So, how does this affect you?

  • You can directly open new tickets on the support portal, or check their status. Only you have access to your tickets after logging in with your ChemAxon Pass.
  • We are building an extensive knowledge base section, where you can find the answers quickly to Frequently Asked Questions. This feature will auto-suggest relevant, brief articles while you type your question. Keep in mind that this Knowledge Base differs from the detailed technical and scientific documentation.
  • The support email addresses that you have used so far, won't change! Emails will be automatically converted to tickets as well, and you will be able to track them here.
  • Your pending tickets, that were opened in our previous system, will be available there. You will still be able to comment and read resolved tickets there.

Infographic with illustration and text describing changes in support