Markush Editor - Cheminfo Stories APAC 2020

Posted by
Árpád Figyelmesi
on 2021-09-13

Markush Editor - Cheminfo Stories APAC 2020

The presentation gives a brief overview of the role of cheminformatics in different fields of IP, and how ChemAxon tools serve these fields. Introducing Markush Editor, a unique tool for computer-added chemical patent drafting and ChemCurator for indexing and analysis of chemical information in the patent documents. Besides the general introduction we also demonstrate the benefits of these tools through a case study.




The presentation gives a brief overview of the role of cheminformatics in different fields of IP, and how ChemAxon tools serve these fields. Introducing Markush Editor, a unique tool for computer-added chemical patent drafting and ChemCurator for indexing and analysis of chemical information in the patent documents. Besides the general introduction we also demonstrate the benefits of these tools through a case study.