Chemaxon news
What is new with Chemaxon?
Information on CVE-2024-52046
We would like to inform our Customers that Chemaxon products are safe from the CVE-2024-520246 vulnerability.
Certara Completes Acquisition of Chemaxon
The combined organization offers life sciences companies predictive biosimulation and scientific informatics capabilities, improving certainty in decision-making from discovery through commercialization.
Certara to Acquire Chemaxon to Strengthen Drug Discovery Software Portfolio
We are excited to share the official announcement of Certara, our partner for over a decade, as they set to acquire Chemaxon.
"Make the company look like I won the lottery"
Chemaxon may be a lesser-known name in Hungary, but it is part of the global elite of the pharmaceutical industry, and its software is used by all the global players in pharmaceutical R&D. The company has been thriving for 25 years under the radar, until in 2022, the founder sensed that the time had come for him to step back.
Chemaxon upgrades to Java 17
Effective August 8th 2023, all new releases of Chemaxon software will require Java 17 or later. This change is being made as Java 11 is nearing its End of Life date (September 2023) and our goal to ensure that the latest security and code improvements are available to you.
Wendy Warr Report 2022
With pandemic restrictions lifted, Chemaxon users yet again convened in person at the Akvárium Club, Budapest.