Legacy chemical editors
We provide ongoing support for our legacy chemical editors, MarvinSketch for desktop usage and Marvin JS for web integrations.
Supported Marvin versions
MarvinSketch is a fully featured chemical drawing tool built to serve any chemist's needs running on their local computers. Marvin JS is a simplified chemical editor built to add chemical features to web applications. Both legacy software are still supported.
The next generation Marvin is a web-based application that gives you the full feature set necessary in chemical research and the flexibility to integrate with your tools. This makes Marvin the only chemical drawing tool you will ever need.


Related Products
The only chemical drawing tool you will ever need
Chemical Naming
Convert chemical names into structures
Markush Technology
Smart assistant for patent claim drafting and Markush analysis
Chemical Structure Representation
Standardization and correction of chemical structures
Calculate properties instantly, search chemical data, and draw molecules online
Compound Registration
Normalize, check, validate and register chemical compounds
High performance virtual synthesis engine
JChem for Office
Chemical structure handling, data analysis, visualization and reporting capabilities within MS Office
Design Hub
A single platform that connects scientific rationale, compound design and computational resources
Compliance Checker
Matching chemistry to regulations at the click of a button
Automate HS code assignment for instant, structure based classification
JChem Engines
Search through tens of millions of chemical compounds and receive relevant query hits in seconds.
Calculators and Predictors
Execute high quality physico-chemical calculations and predictions.
Discovery Tools
From clustering and diversity analysis for chemical libraries to 2D and 3D molecular screening
Instant JChem
Create, explore and share chemical data
Computer-assisted chemical information extraction and analysis
MarvinSketch & Marvin JS
Legacy chemical editors MarvinSketch for desktop and Marvin JS for integrations