Compliance Checker
Matching chemistry to regulations at the click of a button

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The only chemical drawing tool you will ever need

21st century compliance checks

In life science research & development, compliance with controlled substance regulations is essential from synthesis to storage and shipping. Failing to meet these requirements can damage your reputation, and result in financial or criminal penalties.

This used to require endless manual research. Now, there is a better way.

Compliance Checker is a software system with a continuously updated regulation package built to screen single chemical structures or large collections against controlled substance legislation. It is available both in SaaS and on-premise distributions for any size of business and you can easily integrate it into any workflow.

Research with Compliance Checker


CC 6

1. Enter compound

Sketch your molecule, use its chemical name or upload cheminformatics files.

CC 5

2. Choose countries

Pick the countries you want to check for regulations.

CC 4

3. Instant results

Get results with direct hits and similar matches on-screen and in downloadable reports.

CC 3

+1 Integration options

Automate compliance checks during daily tasks by integrating with your tools.

Want to start using Compliance Checker?

Compliance Checker use cases


CC 2

Identify controlled substances

Check whether substances are regulated under current laws. Upload a list of compounds, and Compliance Checker cross-checks them with the latest regulations, flagging any controlled substances. Helping you maintain regulatory compliance at all times.

CC 1

Check compliance for new molecules

Ensure new compounds meet regulatory requirements before procuring or synthesizing them. Compliance Checker verifies whether new molecules fall under storage, transport or other regulations. Helping you prevent costly compliance issues.

CC 0

Shipping controlled substances

Make sure to comply with controlled substance regulations when shipping compounds for research or commercial purposes. Compliance Checker identifies necessary legal requirements for each country. Helping you streamline logistics and reduce shipping risks.

Compliance Checker gives you


Up-to-date regulatory coverage

Use Compliance Checker’s knowledge base of the latest legislation from 18 countries and 5 international regulations with continuous updates and extensions. Upon request, we integrate new legislation, extend geographical coverage, or add internal corporate policies, while the built-in knowledge base editor allows you to add your own controlled substances.

Easy handle on generic definitions

Perform instant compliance checks for legislation based on generic molecule definition, like the 3rd Generation Cannabinoids in the UK. Chemaxon’s Markush search and homology group technology gives you accurate hits.

Guidance to similarity regulations

Get yourself a guide to navigate the unclear regulations of similar compounds, like the US Federal Analogue Act’s definition of “substantially similar”. Compliance Checker reliably flags molecules highly similar to controlled substances based on a consensus of three fingerprints, heuristic weighting and functional groups.

Kevin Doyle

Vice President of Medicinal Chemistry & DMPK, Cancer Research Horizon

"At Cancer Research Horizon, using Chemaxon's Compliance Checker has been a game changer. It gives us the critical assurance we need to manage our compound shipment as well as compliance during production, procurement, and inventory globally, making sure we meet all regulatory requirements at any moment. The tool's reliability and the peace of mind it brings are invaluable to our ongoing research and development efforts."

Want to start using Compliance Checker?

Compliance Checker highlights



Receive compliance information automatically during your normal workflows in molecule design, compound registration, inventory management or shipping. Compliance Checker is built with a range of customization options and easily integrates with third party software through its dedicated Integration API.


Whether your business needs single compliance checks or a fully-featured, highly customizable enterprise solution, we have you covered. Compliance Checker provides automatic updates and offers the flexibility of a secure cloud-based platform as well as an on-premise installation option.


Get the result of checking any one substance instantly. Compliance Checker also gives you the option to check in bulk, with the capability to go through the full research collection of a large pharma company in a weekend.

Shipping globally?

Compliance Checker helps you make sure your compounds are legally in the clear, while cHemTS allows you to assign accurate HS Tariff codes automatically.


Learn more about Compliance Checker


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