2018 Summer Scoop Dev News

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on 2018-09-03

2018 Summer Scoop Dev News

As we slide into the sunny Summer season it's time to share some of our top developments and news

Compound Registration on AWS

First hints of a collaboration between ChemAxon and Amazon were given in a presentation at our Boston user meeting, featuring AWS' Biotech Blueprint project. Our Compound Registration solution was integrated into this project, and at Bio-IT we announced that it's available on AWS Market Place.

Marvin JS Web Service - for Easy Integration

The new web service application makes it easy to embed our Marvin JS editor into your environment. More about the Web Service here.

Haystack Project - Searching Big Data

Rapid chemical search on a database with nearly 200 million compounds? We presented it at the Bio-IT show relying on the new JChem engine and Marvin Live frontend. Slides and videos here.

ChemLocator: Reaction search

ChemLocator combines chemical and free text search capabilities. Now you can search for reactions in document repositories. Watch the demo video here.

Naming: More polymer, herbicide and pesticide names convert to a structure

Our common name dictionary expanded by 15K synonyms and names for 5,000 polymers and 5K more herbicide/pesticide names too. Read more about the conversion technology.

Compliance Checker: User Defined Category Editor with Updates

If you have a license for a controlled substance you can exclude it from the warning notifications in the checker. The Editor also tracks this change when regulations are updated. Read the documentation here.

MadFast: Similarity-based Overlap Analysis

The new MadFast Similarity Search release includes overlap analysis with full matrix calculation for libraries containing even several millions of compounds. Read more about MadFast.

JChem for Office: Pasting structures into MS Excel

A structure can be pasted (Ctrl+V) from a sketcher (like Marvin JS) into MS Excel a lot faster - before the chemistry add-on fully loads. Learn more about our chemistry in MS Office.

Marvin Applet: End of an era

The applet technology came to an end in 2016 - as announced; thus we terminated support for Marvin Applet in May. Stay on the web, switch to Marvin JS!

BioEddie: Better focus on specialty chemistry for small biologics

With a new hybrid visualization, selected monomers are shown with full atom-bond connectivity, whilst other monomers are displayed with their abbreviations. Read more and try BioEddie.


As we slide into the sunny Summer season it's time to share some of our top developments and news

Compound Registration on AWS

First hints of a collaboration between ChemAxon and Amazon were given in a presentation at our Boston user meeting, featuring AWS' Biotech Blueprint project. Our Compound Registration solution was integrated into this project, and at Bio-IT we announced that it's available on AWS Market Place.

Marvin JS Web Service - for Easy Integration

The new web service application makes it easy to embed our Marvin JS editor into your environment. More about the Web Service here.

Haystack Project - Searching Big Data

Rapid chemical search on a database with nearly 200 million compounds? We presented it at the Bio-IT show relying on the new JChem engine and Marvin Live frontend. Slides and videos here.

ChemLocator: Reaction search

ChemLocator combines chemical and free text search capabilities. Now you can search for reactions in document repositories. Watch the demo video here.

Naming: More polymer, herbicide and pesticide names convert to a structure

Our common name dictionary expanded by 15K synonyms and names for 5,000 polymers and 5K more herbicide/pesticide names too. Read more about the conversion technology.

Compliance Checker: User Defined Category Editor with Updates

If you have a license for a controlled substance you can exclude it from the warning notifications in the checker. The Editor also tracks this change when regulations are updated. Read the documentation here.

MadFast: Similarity-based Overlap Analysis

The new MadFast Similarity Search release includes overlap analysis with full matrix calculation for libraries containing even several millions of compounds. Read more about MadFast.

JChem for Office: Pasting structures into MS Excel

A structure can be pasted (Ctrl+V) from a sketcher (like Marvin JS) into MS Excel a lot faster - before the chemistry add-on fully loads. Learn more about our chemistry in MS Office.

Marvin Applet: End of an era

The applet technology came to an end in 2016 - as announced; thus we terminated support for Marvin Applet in May. Stay on the web, switch to Marvin JS!

BioEddie: Better focus on specialty chemistry for small biologics

With a new hybrid visualization, selected monomers are shown with full atom-bond connectivity, whilst other monomers are displayed with their abbreviations. Read more and try BioEddie.