Chemaxon blog
Watchdog for controlled compounds in your inventory
There is an English saying ‘Why keep a dog when you can bark yourself’. A dog, however is a more...
Compliance screen of 45M compounds in a weekend
Handling large collections of molecules? You need robust cheminformatics tools to identify...
Responding to the Challenge Posed by the Generic Control of Substances
Read how novel homology groups and state-of-the-art Markush search technologies address these...
Cheminfo Stories 2021 Virtual UGM | Keep up with the generic control of compounds
This presentation shows the results of a case study on a collection available at a molecule...
Cheminfo Stories 2021 Virtual UGM | Editable chemistry in MS Office from online editors
As chemical tools move towards the cloud, more and more browser based chemical editors are...
Responding to the Challenge Posed by the Generic Control of Substances
Drug monitoring organizations report that new psychoactive substances continue to emerge, posing...
JChem for Office News
The top JChem for Office News in 2020 with demo of the most important related features
cHemTS - Harmonized Tariff Schedules with ChemAxon
cHemTS for Harmonized Tariff Schedules - assignment of tariff codes to organic compounds based on...
Compliance Checker SaaS Subscriptions
This presentation introduces the new SaaS Subscription types available for the Compliance Checker...
JChem for Office Lite
This presentation will emphasize the news in the development of JChem for Office our chemical...
Remain compliant with Controlled Substances regulations
Legislation covering controlled substances exists at local, national and international levels, and...