Chemaxon blog

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    16 07 2024
    < 1 minute

    New Feature Release: Reaction Enumeration in Design Hub

    New Feature Release: Reaction Enumeration in Design Hub

    25 04 2024
    6 minutes

    Pharma use case with Design Hub: Digital workflow support for compound design

    Design Hub case study - use case with a renowned German pharmaceutical company.

    13 12 2023
    3 minutes

    Roadblocks of DMTA project success - and how to eliminate them

    Discover how to navigate complex challenges in your DMTA projects - make informed compound...

    05 07 2023
    2 minutes

    Overcome challenges in collaborating with CROs - Documentation

    Optimize CRO collaboration and documentation challenges with Design Hub's streamlined solutions for...

    21 06 2023
    2 minutes

    Overcome challenges in collaborating with CROs - Communication

    Streamline communication and accelerate collaboration with CROs using Chemaxon's Design Hub. Learn...

    14 06 2023
    < 1 minute

    Overcome challenges in collaborating with CROs - The Technical standpoint

    Simplify collaboration with CROs using Chemaxon's Design Hub. Streamline project management,...

    19 05 2023
    3 minutes

    Creation of a Scientific Hypothesis - For optimization of drug compounds

    A well-formulated hypothesis is essential to the success of the drug discovery process.

    29 04 2023
    < 1 minute

    Collaborating with CROs within the DMTA cycle

    Important factors when collaborating with a CRO It is becoming increasingly popular for drug...

    30 03 2023
    2 minutes

    What Structures are Claimed in Patents? - Use cases for patent literature MMP transformations

    The MMP transformations from SureCHEMBL can be used in different ways to create analogues to a seed...

    13 10 2021
    < 1 minute

    Compound design and progression tracking with CROs

    The new Design Hub is ChemAxon's DMTA application focusing on compound design, tracking and data...

    13 09 2021
    < 1 minute

    Prediction driven design of hERG liability free compounds - webcast

    The new ChemAxon ADMET plugin group builds on the power of machine learning methods on curated data...

    13 09 2020
    < 1 minute

    AWS Lambdas are Cool

    AWS Lambdas are cool for cheminformatics and ChemAxon toolkit usage, and we explored 3 obvious...