ChemAxon supports COVID-19 research efforts with free licenses available on certain products.
These are difficult times and we all must rally to find a timely solution for the pandemic. With so many of our partners working on COVID-19, we want to support you in your research relating to the SARS-CoV-2.
ChemAxon focuses on Chemoinformatics technology and has state-of-the-art solutions that can help you in managing chemical structures and associated data. If you have research articles we can help you extract structures from those articles so that you can quickly get going with your research. Manage your data using Instant JChem and characterize your structures by predicting the physico-chemical properties. The following products are available in this package, you can pick and choose: BioEddie, ChemCurator, ChemLocator, Instant JChem, Markush Editor, MarvinSketch, Marvin JS, Calculators and Predictors, Standardizer, Chemical Structure and Name Conversion, Structure Checker, JKlustor, Reactor, and JChem for Office.
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