Portfolio Presentation

Posted by
Dávid Malatinszky
on 2020-09-13

This presentation covers the ChemAxon portfolio of products, including recent developments and future directions. Topics include Structure Sketching & Depiction, Chemical Search Engines, Chemical Data Management, Controlled Substance Detection, Chemistry in Documents, Molecular Discovery & Design, Chemistry in Data Worfklows, the Cloud, and Education. It is by no means exhaustive - rather, it is a great way to dip your toe into our many offerings. For an overview of our range of solutions visit our products page.



This presentation covers the ChemAxon portfolio of products, including recent developments and future directions. Topics include Structure Sketching & Depiction, Chemical Search Engines, Chemical Data Management, Controlled Substance Detection, Chemistry in Documents, Molecular Discovery & Design, Chemistry in Data Worfklows, the Cloud, and Education. It is by no means exhaustive - rather, it is a great way to dip your toe into our many offerings. For an overview of our range of solutions visit our products page.