Chemaxon blog
New Feature Release: Reaction Enumeration in Design Hub
New Feature Release: Reaction Enumeration in Design Hub
Pharma use case with Design Hub: Digital workflow support for compound design
Design Hub case study - use case with a renowned German pharmaceutical company.
Roadblocks of DMTA project success - and how to eliminate them
Discover how to navigate complex challenges in your DMTA projects - make informed compound...
Overcome challenges in collaborating with CROs - Documentation
Optimize CRO collaboration and documentation challenges with Design Hub's streamlined solutions for...
Overcome challenges in collaborating with CROs - Communication
Streamline communication and accelerate collaboration with CROs using Chemaxon's Design Hub. Learn...
Overcome challenges in collaborating with CROs - The Technical standpoint
Simplify collaboration with CROs using Chemaxon's Design Hub. Streamline project management,...
Creation of a Scientific Hypothesis - For optimization of drug compounds
A well-formulated hypothesis is essential to the success of the drug discovery process.
Collaborating with CROs within the DMTA cycle
Important factors when collaborating with a CRO It is becoming increasingly popular for drug...
What Structures are Claimed in Patents? - Use cases for patent literature MMP transformations
The MMP transformations from SureCHEMBL can be used in different ways to create analogues to a seed...
Compound design and progression tracking with CROs
The new Design Hub is ChemAxon's DMTA application focusing on compound design, tracking and data...
Prediction driven design of hERG liability free compounds - webcast
The new ChemAxon ADMET plugin group builds on the power of machine learning methods on curated data...
AWS Lambdas are Cool
AWS Lambdas are cool for cheminformatics and ChemAxon toolkit usage, and we explored 3 obvious...