Chemaxon newsroom

Jchem microservices

13 09 2021
< 1 minute

JChem Engines Introduction

ChemAxon’s JChem technology adds chemical intelligence to the most popular relational database...

13 09 2021
< 1 minute

Search substructures in Enamine REAL with JChem Microservices

The new JChem Microservices uses the latest generation search technology that can handle large...

13 09 2021
< 1 minute

Search substructures in Enamine REAL with JChem Microservices

The new JChem Microservices uses the latest generation search technology that can handle large...

13 09 2021
< 1 minute

JChem Microservices

JChem Microservices provide microservices in small separate modules for different areas of ChemAxon...

13 09 2020
< 1 minute

Search Engine Improvements

Cheminfo Stories presentation on search engine improvements to our 2nd generation cartridges in...

13 09 2020
< 1 minute

JChem Engines

Overview of different JChem search engines during Cheminfo Stories 2020