Chemaxon blog
Migration from JChem Oracle Cartridge to JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge or Choral
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JChem Engines Introduction
ChemAxon’s JChem technology adds chemical intelligence to the most popular relational database...
Search Engine Improvements
Cheminfo Stories presentation on search engine improvements to our 2nd generation cartridges in...
JChem Engines
Overview of different JChem search engines during Cheminfo Stories 2020
A novel platform to identify synergistic drug combination to combat cancer recurrence and prolong clinical efficacy
The Library of Integrated Network-based Cellular Signatures (LINCS) program is a national research...
University of Miami and ChemAxon Use Case
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Supported Java flavors
In the R&D infrastructure, Oracle's Java plays an important role. The changing regulations and...
ChemAxon Portfolio
This presentation will have 2 major parts. In the very first part, David will introduce our major...
Shrinking the Haystack
Haystack project introduces the problem of finding the relevant information in the ever-growing...
IDBS & ChemAxon's Webinar: Showcasing the Best of Cheminformatics & Biologics in Data Management
Today’s fast-moving research requires that researchers have rapid access to data, with the ability...