A platform that connects scientific rationale, compound design and computational resources.
This presentation will emphasize the news in the development of JChem for Office our chemical...
Adding chemical intelligence to different databases is one of the most mature and robust elements...
We had our integrator partner companies on stage to introduce how they use and extend ChemAxon's...
ChemAxon’s Compound Registration is a system built on a set of web services, aiding users to...
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ChemLocator is ChemAxon's web-based solution for extracting chemical information from unstructured...
A plethora of disease-related information can be found in the biomedical literature. However, many...
This presentation will cover the most important changes and plans in regards to our chemical...
This application study will put Marvin Live, our design and idea management platform in the focus....
Hear how integrator partner DeltaSoft is using and extending ChemAxon's capabilities in their...
A new compound, especially if it needs to be shipped to a CRO or any other research partner, might...