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13 09 2021
< 1 minute
Chemical Descriptors & Standardizers for Machine Learning Models - Cheminfo Stories APAC 2020
Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning in drug discovery projects, configuration options -...
12 09 2020
< 1 minute
Webinar: Chemical Descriptors and Standardizers for Machine Learning Models
Types and confi gurations of chemical descriptors available to machine learning models The effects...
12 09 2020
< 1 minute
Identifying new topoisomerase II poison scafolds by combining publicly available toxicity data and 2D/3D-based virtual screening
Molecular descriptor (2D) and three dimensional (3D) shape based similarity methods are widely used...
12 09 2020
< 1 minute
Shrinking the haystack: an overarching search in chemical databases
Drug discovery is a knowledge-intensive process in which having the right information at hand can...
13 09 2019
< 1 minute
ChemAxon Portfolio
This presentation will have 2 major parts. In the very first part, David will introduce our major...
12 09 2019
2 minutes
Chemical Intelligence That Makes Hidden Knowledge Effortlessly Reachable
The knowledge, that is being produced and stored in the forms of reports, patents and scientific...