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    12 09 2019
    < 1 minute

    Internal Concentrations in Gammarids Reveal Increased Risk of Organic Micropollutants in Wastewater-Impacted Streams

    Internal concentrations link external exposure to the potential effect, as they reflect what the...

    12 09 2019
    < 1 minute

    Structural Characterization of Agonist Binding to Protease- Activated Receptor 2 through Mutagenesis and Computational Modeling

    Protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR2) is a G-protein-coupled receptor that is activated by...

    12 09 2019
    < 1 minute

    Conjugates of methylene blue with y-carboline derivatives as new multifunctional agents for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases

    We studied the inhibitory activity of methylene blue (MB) γ-carbolines (gC) conjugates (MB-gCs)...

    12 09 2019
    < 1 minute

    Inhibition of Human Drug Transporter Activities by the Pyrethroid Pesticides Allethrin and Tetramethrin

    Pyrethroids are widely-used chemical insecticides, to which humans are commonly exposed, and known...

    12 09 2019
    < 1 minute

    Machine learning for the prediction of molecular dipole moments obtained by density functional theory

    Machine learning (ML) algorithms were explored for the fast estimation of molecular dipole moments...

    12 09 2019
    < 1 minute

    Human Recombinant VEGFR2D4 Biochemical Characterization to Investigate Novel Anti VEGFR2D4 Antibodies for Allosteric Targeting of VEGFR2

    VEGF-A/VEGFR2 complex is the major signaling pathway involved in angiogenesis and the inhibition of...

    12 09 2019
    < 1 minute

    Data Visualization, Regression, Applicability Domains and Inverse Analysis Based on Generative Topographic Mapping

    This paper introduces two generative topographic mapping (GTM) methods that can be used for data...

    12 09 2019
    < 1 minute

    Outlining migrainous through dihydroergotamine–serotonin receptor interactions using quantum biochemistry

    Since the early days of migrainous research, serotonin receptors (5-HTR) have been considered a...

    12 09 2019
    < 1 minute

    Synthesis of glyceryl glycosides related to A-type prymnesin toxins

    A suite of glycosylated glycerol derivatives representing various fragments of the glycosylated...

    12 09 2019
    < 1 minute

    Quantum chemistry reveals thermodynamic principles of redox biochemistry

    Thermodynamics dictates the structure and function of metabolism. Redox reactions drive cellular...

    12 09 2019
    < 1 minute

    On the Mechanism of Action of Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Hypericin: An In Silico Study Pointing to the Relevance of Janus Kinases Inhibition

    St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) flowers are commonly used in ethnomedical preparations...

    12 09 2019
    < 1 minute

    Antiparasitic activity of new gibbilimbol analogues and SAR analysis through efficiency and statistical methods

    Chagas' disease and leishmaniasis are parasitic infections enrolled among the neglected tropical...