A platform that connects scientific rationale, compound design and computational resources.
The presentation gives a brief overview of the role of Cheminformatics in different fields of IP,...
Summary of Instant JChem and Plexus Connect's recent advancements. Instant JChem now includes...
This presentation introduces the new SaaS Subscription types available for the Compliance Checker...
Our new application has been born out of years of evolution on Marvin Live and a big expansion in...
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This presentation covers 2020 improvements and future plans of ChemAxon Synergy, the evolution of...
ChemAxon Portfolio includes Structure Sketching & Depiction, Chemical Search Engines, Chemical Data...
Here, we present an updated version of iPPI-DB, our manually curated database of PPI modulators. In...
Pic 1: Chemical compounds shown as rectangular nodes (green: matching profile), chemical...
incoPat, a patent database vendor from China, has formed a partnership with ChemAxon, as a result...
This talk covers the topic of how to extract patent information from patents at Johnson & Johnson...
We discuss several technologies to efficiently analyze very large libraries.