Chemaxon blog
Cheminfo Stories 2021 Virtual UGM | JChem ElasticSearch Plugin
Elasticsearch is a distributed, free and open search and analytics engine for all types of data,...
Cheminfo Stories 2021 Virtual UGM | Rule Based Search
Large collections of combinatorial libraries are an integral element in today’s pharmaceutical...
JChem Engines Introduction
ChemAxon’s JChem technology adds chemical intelligence to the most popular relational database...
Navigating Massive Virtual (and Real) Libraries
DNA-encoded libraries (DELs) and reaction based virtual libraries challenge current cheminformatics...
Challenges in Searching Ultra-large Chemical Libraries
As all good Trekkies know – “space [is] the final frontier” – and it keeps throwing out challenges,...
Search Engine Improvements
Cheminfo Stories presentation on search engine improvements to our 2nd generation cartridges in...
Leveraging ChemAxon tools to automate Nimbus’ SDFile curation
Rebecca Carazza describes in-depth a portion of an automated workflow solution that utilizes...
Migration of a central compound management system to state-of-the-art technology
We migrated to the new Choral cartridge because of better performance on trivial structure...
Portfolio Presentation
ChemAxon Portfolio includes Structure Sketching & Depiction, Chemical Search Engines, Chemical Data...
Use of ChemAxon Marvin JS and JChem library to support the development of a new web application for iPPI-DB
Here, we present an updated version of iPPI-DB, our manually curated database of PPI modulators. In...
Shrinking the haystack: an overarching search in chemical databases
Drug discovery is a knowledge-intensive process in which having the right information at hand can...
From Documents to Knowledge - Chemistry Data for Real World Evidence
Text mining is used in a variety of ways to identify and extract information from documents. Using...