Chemaxon blog

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    13 11 2021
    < 1 minute

    Cheminfo Stories 2021 Virtual UGM | JChem ElasticSearch Plugin

    Elasticsearch is a distributed, free and open search and analytics engine for all types of data,...

    13 11 2021
    < 1 minute

    Cheminfo Stories 2021 Virtual UGM | Rule Based Search

    Large collections of combinatorial libraries are an integral element in today’s pharmaceutical...

    13 09 2021
    < 1 minute

    JChem Engines Introduction

    ChemAxon’s JChem technology adds chemical intelligence to the most popular relational database...

    13 09 2021
    < 1 minute

    Navigating Massive Virtual (and Real) Libraries

    DNA-encoded libraries (DELs) and reaction based virtual libraries challenge current cheminformatics...

    03 09 2021
    5 minutes

    Challenges in Searching Ultra-large Chemical Libraries

    As all good Trekkies know – “space [is] the final frontier” – and it keeps throwing out challenges,...

    13 09 2020
    < 1 minute

    Search Engine Improvements

    Cheminfo Stories presentation on search engine improvements to our 2nd generation cartridges in...

    13 09 2020
    < 1 minute

    Leveraging ChemAxon tools to automate Nimbus’ SDFile curation

    Rebecca Carazza describes in-depth a portion of an automated workflow solution that utilizes...

    13 09 2020
    < 1 minute

    Migration of a central compound management system to state-of-the-art technology

    We migrated to the new Choral cartridge because of better performance on trivial structure...

    13 09 2020
    < 1 minute

    Portfolio Presentation

    ChemAxon Portfolio includes Structure Sketching & Depiction, Chemical Search Engines, Chemical Data...

    13 09 2020
    < 1 minute

    Use of ChemAxon Marvin JS and JChem library to support the development of a new web application for iPPI-DB

    Here, we present an updated version of iPPI-DB, our manually curated database of PPI modulators. In...

    12 09 2020
    < 1 minute

    Shrinking the haystack: an overarching search in chemical databases

    Drug discovery is a knowledge-intensive process in which having the right information at hand can...

    13 09 2019
    < 1 minute

    From Documents to Knowledge - Chemistry Data for Real World Evidence

    Text mining is used in a variety of ways to identify and extract information from documents. Using...