Chemaxon blog
ChemAxon and Mestrelab Use Case
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From Library Design to Compound Delivery - Data Managment in a CRO Perspective
Data management and the seamless support of the design-production workflows play a key role in the...
Patent application management using ChemCurator and Marvin Live at Sprint Bioscience
Sprint Bioscience develops small molecule medicines, focusing on cancer and tumor metabolism. Using...
Marvin Live End User View
The talk covers the implementation of Marvin Live in the scope of BI’s eDesign landscape. Marvin...
Toxtool: Predicting Off-Target Toxicities For Compound Classes
Numerate has developed a software tool that can evaluate spaces of chemistry against more than 6000...
Chemicalize was created as a free, online demonstration and advertising application of ChemAxon’s...
D360 - The Pharmaceutical Industry's Data Analytics and Scientific Informatics Platform
Certara biosimulation (model based drug development and informatics) software portfolio is the most...
Agilent's OpenLAB Electronic Lab Notebook
Computers are used extensively in modem R&D, and so much of the data that needs to be recorded in a...
LiveDesign - Schrödinger's Next Generation Platform for Collaborative Drug Design
Medicinal chemists can benefit enormously from computational and team member feedback on their...
SureChEMBL - Open Patent Data
Historically the cost of access to structured chemical data extracted from patents has been...
Compound logistics in dynamic environments
Efficient compound logistics and management is a key success factor for any drug discovery or...
CLiDE: improved accuracy in extracting chemical structure data from documents
CLiDE is an established optical chemical structure recognition (OCSR) tool that is aimed at...