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    03 09 2013
    3 minutes

    Stereo models explained

    Stereo models determine the way stereo chemistry is calculated, which affects stereo matching. The...

    03 09 2013
    4 minutes

    Challenges of polymer informatics and the driving force

    Polymers are arguably the single most used materials in the modern age, however there are only a...

    03 09 2013
    2 minutes

    Five basic things you need to know about MarvinSketch

    Whether you are in academia or in industry as a chemist, a drawing package is an essential tool in...

    03 09 2013
    3 minutes

    Clustering by scaffolds

    This post is a tutorial to a new component in IJC, the Tree Table. Do you have some interesting use...

    03 09 2012
    < 1 minute

    Scripting Dotmatics Vortex 3

    ChemAxon's Calculator (cxcalc) is a really useful command line program in Marvin Beans and JChem...

    03 09 2011
    3 minutes

    GSK's Helium Rises to the Top

    Familiarity breeds contempt, it’s said, but not in the case of GlaxoSmithKline’s most recent tool...

    03 09 2010
    < 1 minute

    Chemicalize for WordPress

    "Having recently bigged up the Chemicalize system that lets you view any web page or chunk of text...

    03 09 2007
    2 minutes

    Instant JChem 2.0 released: Instant JChem Personal free for all users.

    Budapest, Hungary, August 21st, 2007 - ChemAxon, a software solutions provider for cheminformatics,...