Chemaxon newsroom


03 09 2021
5 minutes

Challenges in Searching Ultra-large Chemical Libraries

As all good Trekkies know – “space [is] the final frontier” – and it keeps throwing out challenges,...

03 09 2021
< 1 minute

a-tune Label.Printer now updated to print ChemAxon chemical structures

a-tune Label.Printer is an independent product that allows the printing of labels from any device...

03 09 2021
< 1 minute

COVID-19 Information

ChemAxon supports COVID-19 research efforts with free licenses available on certain products. These...

03 09 2020
3 minutes

JChem for Office Tutorial Videos

We have launched a tutorial video series about the most common questions that come up while using...

03 09 2020
2 minutes

Artificial intelligence (AI) backed up with cutting edge chemistry - Innoplexus and ChemAxon partner to get more out of life science data

Frankfurt, Germany - Budapest, Hungary, September 20, 2019 – View Official PRNewswire Press Release...

03 09 2020
4 minutes

Reaxys structure search now available from Marvin

Researchers can now conveniently search the most comprehensive collection of reactions, substances,...

03 09 2020
< 1 minute

Introducing ChemAxon's Design Hub


03 09 2020
7 minutes

Cheminfo Stories presents: Design Day reviewed by Wendy Warr

Designing New Molecules Exploring activity cliffs using graph databases Jan Christopherson of...

03 09 2020
< 1 minute

ChemAxon announcement regarding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) public health crisis

We, at ChemAxon, find it essential to do what we can to mitigate the further spreading of COVID-19...

03 09 2019
< 1 minute

Leaving the last remains of Java web technology behind - Marvin drops support for Java Web Start

We have announced the discontinuation of Marvin Applets two years ago, handing over the web-based...

03 09 2019
< 1 minute

ChemAxon - Introducing a cheminformatics company & its software portfolio

ChemAxon is a chemical and biological software development company, founded in 1998. This short...

03 09 2019
2 minutes

Zosimos: New educational experience with built-in chemical intelligence

The vision of Zosimos is to help chemistry and biochemistry classes to improve their knowledge...