Chemaxon blog

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    03 09 2018
    2 minutes

    ChemAxon Software is Integrated into ChemPass's Novel Drug Design Platform

    BUDAPEST, Hungary and BOSTON, December 5, 2017/PRNewswire/-- ChemAxon and ChemPass, jointly...

    03 09 2017
    < 1 minute

    Extreme Search Speed-Ups in JChem PostgreSQL Cartridge 2.7

    New index type: sortedchemindex Massive speed-up in duplicate and similarity searches using...

    03 09 2017
    < 1 minute

    ChemAxon Maven Repository

    We are happy to announce that ChemAxon provides a new Maven repository to integrate some of our...

    03 09 2016
    4 minutes

    HELM integration with RDKit, and a complimentary MarvinBeans licence for all users

    The Pistoia Alliance HELM project announces free MarvinBeans 5.0 licenses and integration of HELM...

    03 09 2016
    < 1 minute

    Java Applet Technology: The Past and Future and The End

    Java Applet technology was a great tool to create nice and shiny applications that can be embedded...

    03 09 2015
    < 1 minute

    MarvinSketch: on the way towards publication quality drawing

    A new tool, the label editor has been introduced recently in MarvinSketch version 14.11.10. This...

    03 09 2015
    2 minutes

    ChemAxon and BSSN Software partner to offer analytical data management in a chemical context

    Budapest, Hungary & Darmstadt, Germany, June 18, 2015 - ChemAxon, a leader in providing chemistry...

    03 09 2014
    2 minutes

    IUPAC nomenclature: student 1, professor 0

    The background: There has been a disagreement between one of our academic users and his professor...

    03 09 2014
    4 minutes

    What makes a good tequila?

    Hi Folks! Short month with Santa and Christmas. I was thinking not to bore you with the usual tl,...

    03 09 2014
    2 minutes

    Creating and understanding Markush libraries: Markush Editor

    Markush structures are widely used in combinatorial chemistry and patents to define large chemical...

    03 09 2014
    < 1 minute

    Smart R-group tool in Marvin JS

    Based on your feedback, we have created a brand new tool in Marvin JS to define R-Groups more...

    03 09 2013
    2 minutes

    Convert chemical file formats in Python using JChem Web Services

    Chemical file formats can always cause trouble, because most of the tools do not support all...