Chemaxon newsroom

22 04 2023
< 1 minute

Calculations you can trust

Chemaxon AWS Calculators and Predictors SaaS services has passed one of Hungary’s leading...

21 04 2023
62 minutes

Wendy Warr Report 2022

As Richard Jones said, “Chemaxon has a best-in-class, single research platform in the cloud for...

20 04 2023
< 1 minute

Solubility prediction - Chemaxon's Solubility Predictor

Aqueous solubility for organic compounds is one of the most important physico-chemical properties...

19 04 2023
< 1 minute

Predicting pKa

One of the most important physicochemical properties of small molecules and macromolecules are the...

12 04 2023
< 1 minute

EDB GlobalConnect Certified Technology Partnership

We are excited to announce that Chemaxon is now an EDB GlobalConnect Certified Technology Partner.

03 04 2023
< 1 minute

Compliance screen of 45M compounds in a weekend

Handling large collections of molecules? You need robust cheminformatics tools to identify...

30 03 2023
2 minutes

What Structures are Claimed in Patents? - Use cases for patent literature MMP transformations

The MMP transformations from SureCHEMBL can be used in different ways to create analogues to a seed...

04 01 2023
< 1 minute

Response to CVE-2022-1471

Chemaxon's response to CVE-2022-1471 vulnerability.

16 12 2022
< 1 minute

Life at Chemaxon - a Hungarian video at our head office

A video about the life at Chemaxon by videoblogger Csaba Magyarósi.

14 11 2022
< 1 minute

Kanban in Drug Discovery

A multi-dimensional, searchable, and interactive Kanban board can help the project team to get a...

11 11 2022
< 1 minute

Responding to the Challenge Posed by the Generic Control of Substances

Read how novel homology groups and state-of-the-art Markush search technologies address these...

25 10 2022
< 1 minute

Response to CVE-2022-42889

Chemaxon's response to CVE-2022-42889 vulnerability.